
The pricing information provided in the various Price and Value Guides on https://tradescards.com is derived from a compilation of averages sourced from numerous independent, third-party entities within the trading cards community, which are considered by tradescards.com to be reliable. It is important to note that these prices represent averages rather than specific values for individual cards or collectibles.

Additionally, the updates to these prices are not frequent, meaning they do not capture short-term fluctuations in the market. The card trading market is known for its volatility, with prices subject to significant changes. This volatility is particularly pronounced for rare cards, which are characterized by less frequent sales and more substantial variations in sale prices.

The purpose of the prices listed in these guides is to act as one of several tools and considerations that card buyers and sellers might use to help determine the values of cards. They are not meant to serve as a substitute for the thorough research and, when necessary, professional advice that should be sought by buyers and sellers before engaging in transactions involving cards.

Consequently, tradescards.com explicitly disclaims any warranties, whether express or implied, regarding the accuracy or reliability of the information provided on its site. Users of tradescards.com acknowledge that the website, its affiliates, shareholders, officers, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from reliance on the information available on the website. Furthermore, it is noted that some products listed on tradescards.com may be available for purchase on eBay, but these are not directly sold or inspected by tradescards.com.

Products listed may be new or used, and potential buyers are encouraged to review all product details on eBay thoroughly and to communicate any questions directly to the sellers through eBay's communication systems before finalizing their purchases. We do not buy or sell any products directly from this website.